Thursday 8 November 2012

I've been busy...

I'm 51 now... and have just gone back to school to get some kind of recognisable qualification that will say that I am not thick. It's funny though, I think I will be after I'm done. I've never been a fan of Word or any of it's ancilliary programs having spent a quarter of a century in print. We use real programs there... and even the mention of Word is taboo.
The ECDL Extra course I am currently plodding through has made me want to chuck the screen out of the window sometimes and personally insert something large and sharp into to the recorded tutors' nethers, as he has this rather annoying habit of being not sure if he's from up north, or America! Bits of the course have also been given a fail as certain parts of it do not work as it should, and to make sure this gets back to the supplier, I will leave a sheet in my notes showing said errors. One thing I do hate is when they ask you to do something in your assessment and you have to be damn careful and see if they've done the first part of the question for you, for if they have and you don't spot it, you are on the way to a fail... this has pissed me off several times.
All joking aside, I am doing well, and I am sure that, with luck, I will forget most of this in good time. If I can think of a decent reason to use the Microsoft Office stuff I will, but that's probably a long shot.

I thought I'd add this...taken when brand new about 6 years ago... a Vibroplex Morse Key... 
and no, it hasn't been used on air yet... but it is hooked up to the transceiver
another thing I have to brush up on... di dah dit!

1 comment:

  1. So to flush the memories of Word from your mind you post a pic of your dit dit dah thingy?
