Monday, 29 April 2013

Vintage Buses - Harbourside Bristol 27th April 2013

Just a few photo's taken on the Sunday morning, a nice stroll and a trip down memory lane. Was great to see the old Green on the road again.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Into the mists we went....

.... and we ended up in Glastonbury...where we bought this... a very very quirky clock... Steampunk if you like... :o)

We're going to paint the hands a suitable gold as they're quite hard to see from a distance. 

Not much else happening, but we did have a glorious week in snowbound North Wales last week... bloomin lovely time and   well done to the Councils up that way for a really great job of keeping the roads open (except in a few places).

As  you can see, the lake was beginning to ice up, it was a tad chilly at the time but the scenery was fabulous.